The Chelsea Diaries: The M&G Centenary Garden at Chelsea 2013
- December 5, 2012
- Posted by: Thomas Platts
- Category: The Chelsea Flower Show

Some time ago, when I first became aware that 2013 would be the Centenary Year for the Chelsea Flower Show my thoughts were: after all my involvement over years it was a shame that I was not going to be a part of it.
These were definitely the first signs of ‘Chelsea Withdrawal’ symptoms which tend to occur around the middle of May a year or two after last exhibiting and can last for up to 5 or 6 years if left untreated. By this summer I was still going ‘cold turkey’ and the addiction was very evident. Symptoms included returning to the nurseries after the show and looking longingly at plants which had missed out on an outing to London this year.
So when the call from M&G came suggesting there may be an opportunity to work with them again on a garden to celebrate the Centenary I was delighted, especially as our experience of working together on the 2010 garden was so successful and enjoyable.
Yesterday we chose the site at the nurseries to lay out parts of the garden in advance – at least the main elements. I have yet to meet the Thatcher for the summerhouse roof but Nick Jupp has lined him up for next May so I shall be catching up with him soon and I await news from the Blacksmith about the window sculpture.
The sandstone walling is due in next week from Best Demolition of Heathfield so we can lay that out to be weathered over winter. The bricks will be arriving shortly and Nick is due any day to trim the wall capping to size so that can also weather over the coming months.
Talking of weather, dealing with it is normally the greatest single challenge of the whole project and is so for all the exhibitors at Chelsea. It will be interesting to see what the British weather will bring over the coming months.
For more information about the sponsors of the garden visit